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Oral Surgery
Providing Oral Surgery Services to Patients in the United States and Mexico
Although our teeth may be strong and resilient, they are not invincible. Trauma or impacted teeth can lead to issues that will require oral surgery. Not treating the trauma in time can cause your mouth to get infected, eventually resulting in more drastic outcomes. If you’re in need of oral surgery, Nucleo Dental is ready to help.
Dental surgery is a much more hands-on approach to oral health. For this reason, you require the assistance of an experienced oral surgeon. Nucleo Dental is made up of highly specialized oral health professionals. We strive to stay up-to-date on the most advanced oral health advancements. This allows us to provide unbridaled care and service.
Getting Rid of Those Wisdom Teeth with Third Molar Surgery
Wisdom teeth removal is the most common form of oral surgery. Since our jaws are too small to accommodate this third set of molars, many issues can occur once the wisdom teeth erupt. There are cases in which the individual’s jaw and gum line has enough space for the third molars to erupt accordingly. More often than not, however, there isn’t enough room and the molars will fail to emerge fully. The teeth become impacted which results in painful swelling and may even lead to infection. The best way to avoid this outcome is by having your wisdom teeth surgically removed at the first sign of their presence.
Treating Dental Trauma the Right Way
Dental trauma—which can refer to injuries to the teeth, gums, and lips—requires oral surgery. Children and young people tend to experience dental trauma more commonly than adults and elderly people. Contact sports can lead to dental trauma as well. Oral surgery can treat injuries to:
Wisdom Teeth Removal
Excellent Wisdom Teeth Removal Services
Losing teeth is a common part of childhood. It happens naturally as baby teeth are pushed out of place and replaced by permanent adult teeth. For many people, this process tends to be completed at the age of 12. But there’s another set of teeth, known as the third molars, that are lying in wait in the back of your mouth. Once people reach the age of 17 through 25, their third molars (also known as wisdom teeth) erupt and, in most cases, cause a lot more harm than good. Since our jaws have gotten smaller over the generations, we don’t have enough room for our third molars to erupt. This can cause your wisdom teeth to push the adjacent teeth out of place. The best way to avoid any issues is by having your wisdom teeth removed sooner rather than later.
Wisdom Teeth Removal: The Process
Adults have to consider wisdom tooth removal surgery at one point or another. In many instances, wisdom teeth can become compacted, erupting at odd angles that lead to pain and swelling. The sooner you have your wisdom teeth removed, the easier the process will be. The road to having your wisdom teeth removed begins many days before you lay down in that reclining chair at your dentist’s office. After your initial visit, your dentist will more-than-likely take x-rays of your teeth in order to determine the best route to take. From there, he will prescribe some medication for you to take leading up to the surgery. This medication will prep your body for what’s to come.
Preparing for the Day Of Your Surgery
The day of your surgery, if you will be receiving general anesthesia, make sure you have someone with you who will pick you up and take you home. Since you’ll be anesthetized during the procedure, you won’t be able to operate a vehicle immediately afterwards. When the time comes to schedule your wisdom teeth removal surgery, we recommend you schedule the appointment on a Thursday. This way, you can rest from Friday to Sunday. By Monday, the pain should be mostly gone (although you might still be a bit swollen). At this time, you’ll be able to return to work. Full recovery takes anywhere from three weeks to a few months.
What Wisdom Teeth Removal Surgery Entails
Wisdom tooth removal surgery requires the use of anesthesia, whether general or local. If local anesthesia is used, you won’t feel any pain. You’ll only feel pressure during the surgery. The specialist will use tools to dislodge the molars from their sockets and then he will remove them. Once the tooth is taken out, the dentist will stitch up the empty socket with sutures that will speed up the healing process. These sutures are designed to come off over time, as the wound heals so you won’t have to worry about having your dentist cut out any stitches in the future.
What To Do After Your Wisdom Teeth are Taken Out
Your dentist will also place gauze on each socket in order for the blood to clot. Now that your wisdom teeth are out, it’s time to go home and recover. Remember to sleep at an angle at least for the first night so the blood clots can remain in place. Only eat soft foods, like mashed potatoes, for the first few days. As you begin to regain strength in your mouth, you can move on to more types of food. Your dentist will let you know exactly what you can and can’t eat. And now, it’s time to recover! The recovery period differs from patient to patient. But before long, you’ll be back to enjoying the foods you used to eat before your surgery. Contact us today to learn more about what we have to offer!
Get Help from Nucleo Dental, Today!
If you’re in need of oral surgery, don’t wait any longer and contact Nucleo Dental today. We are your one-stop-shop for all your oral health needs. Since our practice is made up of specialists, we can gladly treat any oral health issue you may be facing